During family life the couple experiences a lot of worries and as time goes by the sexual side of relationship exhausts itself, passion fades, desire becomes less and less and instead of bed pleasures spouses prefer an interesting movie or a restful sleep. Surely one of the partners is not satisfied with such a state of affairs, and quarrels, complaints, resentments and all sorts of disagreements begin. You can also use specialized medications at https://svensktapotek.net/.

Tips of psychologists

This does not mean that any long-term partnership should be marred by problems in the bedroom. There are many examples that show that people can feel passion for each other for decades. Studies have shown that the married lives of couples who seek sexual variety in their relationships tend to be happier and more reliable than others. According to experts, the key to happy and fulfilling sexuality in a long-term relationship is: The closeness and trust that spouses have for each other. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to get away from everyday worries and enjoy a shared, interesting pastime. 

  • Role reversal. If one always takes the initiative in his own hands, and the other likes to be led, it is worth trying to change tactics. This will dilute the routine of the relationship, surprise your partner’s expectations and can lead to unforgettable erotic experiences. 
  • Attractive appearance. If you think you are sexy, your partner will think the same of you! This is a unique truth that works for both men and women. Much more desire a man has for sexy, erotic lingerie than a robe. Likewise, a woman is more likely to want a man with a nice body and nice perfume than in old sweatpants and beer incense.
  • It’s a nice and exciting thing to do. Even if the marriage is mostly happy, but the former passion is gone – this is perfectly normal and happens in a longer relationship. Therefore, sexologists recommend engaging in activities together that stimulate the hormones dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin, which make you feel in love.  
  • Having an honest conversation about sex. Instead of reading in bed at night or checking your Instagram account, you should just talk about your mutual sexual fantasies. There are times in a relationship when you lose touch with your partner’s desires, so it’s important to ask and listen. This is where you can talk about things that are pleasurable and disturbing, but in general about what you would like to have sexually. It’s worth openly addressing all issues before they turn into problems.
  • Romance. Its relevance never gets old. It is important to always find time for a relationship away from the stress of everyday life. Vacation, a weekend or even one evening in a luxury hotel or a cozy house, away from civilization and telephones can give sexual life a new bright colors. 
  • Pills to improve potency. Often, bad sex has a very tangible reason that is associated with physiological problems or natural aging processes and potency pills are the best helpers in this case. You can buy Viagra, Levitra and Cialis at https://svensktapotek.net/fildena/.